
Monday, July 22, 2013

DIY Money Saving Space Saver Bags

The Beautigiate here again with another helpful college packing tip!
It's 25 days until I move in and I've been packing up everything that I can except for things I use on a daily basis (clothes, make up, hair appliances, etc).

Do-It-Yourself Space Saver Bags

I found this idea on the web one day when I was scrolling around and I was kind of contemplating whether or not I should try it since I don't know if it would work. However, I didn't want to spend $15 on Space Saver bags (they are very pricey and were faulty in a number of customer reviews). So I gave this DIY a try.
It turned out to work perfectly and I'm so glad that I did it.
It's going to save me SO much room when I pack everything into the car and it keeps all of my linen items very clean until I get down to school. I just knew that I had to share it with you guys! 

What You'll need: 
- Vacuum cleaner with the hose attachment
- DRAWSTRING garbage bags (I used the scented kind so my things could smell nice)
- Things you're going to vacuum seal
- Someone to help you

1. Remove any plastic packaging and pile everything up neatly. Remember to take extra time to fold down the sheets so that they're extra flat. 

2. Place your things into the bag. Do not over pack or else it can rip the bag before you even use it. 

3. Pull out the drawstrings until the opening is at its smallest width. This will also make it easier to tie later.

4. Stick the hose into the bag. This is where I needed help. Have one person be there to turn the vacuum cleaner on and off. Hold the bag opening closed around the hose and vacuum ALL of the air out.
5.When all of the air is sucked out, ask the person who is helping you to turn off the vacuum. Have them twist the bag around at least 3 times WITH the hose still in the bag. Then yank out the hose and tie tie tie. (As you can see this bag is still a little puffy, but it's because it was my first try!)

I had two Ikea bags worth of things that I compressed into these 3 little rectangular packages.
I was able to fit all three of these blocks into one Ikea bag and still had space for my egg crate topper (which was already kind of vacuum sealed in its package...I didn't want to open it). 

I really hope you guys try this out before buying Space Saver bags! It costed close to nothing and it's VERY helpful. I am very happy with the results I got (even though a little bit of air started to get into the bags somehow). If you have any questions or comments, please post them below! 

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