Thursday, August 8, 2013

❀ 7 Day College Countdown Series ❀

PSA: I am moving into my dorm on August 17th
(which is NINE days away!)

In the wake of this very monumental and important day of my life (oh gosh, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it), I'm going to be starting this new series: The 7 Day College Countdown. 
Now, this series is pretty popular on YouTube. However, I feel as though it's lacking a lot of the information and experience that I wanted to see. Experience as in, I want to see people packing up instead of them just talking about packing in front of a camera.
That is why, I've decided to start my own, but through a blog and pictures instead!

The series will officially start on Saturday, August 10th!
If you're an incoming freshman like me, I KNOW you're very excited, but you also need some advice about several things as well.
I will try to the best of my knowledge to deliver tips & tricks about this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Though I am still thinking through what to say and take pictures of, I have created a schedule of this series. This can help if you only want to read the entry of certain days.

Day 7: Last Minute Checklists & Breaking Out That Agenda
Day 6: Packing What You Can Now & Designating a Spot for Your Haul Pile
Day 5: Packing Up Your Room ☹
Day 4: Pack Up Your Makeup
Day 3: Laundry Day & Space Saving Bags
Day 2: Transportation to the School

Day 1: Final Checkmarks & Packing the Car

Anyways, that's about all I can write about until the actual series can start! I hope all of you fellow incoming freshmen are just excited as me about starting this new chapter in your life! And I hope your parents are handling it well as well. 

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